Softening into Feminine Embodiment




to a 6 week course culminating with a ceremonial initiation into the mystic traditions of Mary Magdalene.


Throughout this 6 week initiation, we will explore the sensual expression of Mary Magdalene, relating to the Divine Feminine.  We will use our senses to embody the truth of our soft but powerful feminine nature.


Mary Magdalene is symbolized by the red rose, and her essence has much to teach us as women.  She is the feminine counterpart to the Christed Heart, the feminine aspect of Christ-Consciousness.  She teaches us not only of the soft embrace of the rose, but also the strength and power of its thorns.  


In the western world, we as women have often been expected to live in a masculine way that is exhausting to our feminine nature.  Our softness and flowing nature is often not embraced in a world with schedules, deadlines and ambitious goal-setting. In this course, we will look to Mary Magdalene to find our way to open our heart with softness and at the same time to develop the inner fortitude to protect that which is most sacred to us. 


It is through the senses that we are able to embody a truth that is beyond words. This initiation takes us through a mystical understanding of Mary Magdelene’s nature and expression. 


Why is softening into the Magdalene heart so important right now?

Empowerment: Embracing the feminine qualities associated with Mary Magdalene can lead to a sense of empowerment self-awareness and self-acceptance.  Mary Magdalene is an archetypal leader, who moved through the world, guided by the heart. Even 2,000 years of patriarchal oppression could not stop the power of her heart, and her message. 


Connection: Learning to connect with and honor our own feminine heart and aspects of our feminine nature can foster better relationships and communication with other women, thus building our support system in the sisterhood. Additionally, when we are in touch with our feminine heart, we have more harmonious relationships with our masculine counterparts, the men in our lives.  We learn to connect from our heart first, while at the same time honoring our deepest needs and boundaries. 


Collaborative Leadership: Developing feminine leadership qualities can create more inclusive and collaborative styles of creating and leading.  The mystical teachings of the rose and Mary Magdalene show as a new paradigm way of leading, aligned with the feminine. 


Embodied Emotional Intelligence: Softening into the feminine heart is a somatic experience, which brings our emotional intelligence, empathetic understanding and body wisdom into alignment,. 

Signs that you are ready for softening into the heart:

  • You are ready for more authentic expression, breaking free from societal expectations

  • You want to communicate more deeply, from the heart

  • You are drawn to the symbol of the rose and Magdalene archetype

  • You are seeking to more fully embody your feminine nature

  • You are calling in relationships that are nourishing and supportive

6 weeks | 6 initiations

Sacred Touch | Feeling our way to the Magdalene Truth



Our sense of touch is the foundation for feeling our way through the world. In this session we will discover ways to harmonize our intuition through our body and skin. 


Scent of Heaven | Awakening the myrrhophore


Mary Magdalene was a myrrhophore, also known as a “mistress of oils” or someone who works with sacred oils. By using the sense of smell, we can work miracles in the emotional body, support our spiritual journey in harmony with our environment.

A Taste of the Divine | Nourishing the Foundation



Sacraments of food, of nature, of plants, of flowers, of all the sacred medicines of the earth, can be enjoyed and embodied through the sense of taste. We truly become one with our nourishment. 

The Sound of Love | Attuning the Magdalene Frequency



The universe is said to be created from sound, from the “Word.” It is through frequency and vibration that we are able to heal the deepest layers of our heart.  Mary Magdalene and the Rose have a specific frequency that we can embody. 


A Vision of Beauty | Creating Living Art


Beauty is much more than just an outward expression, it is an artful way of living. In this session we will dive into living from a state of beauty, that is far beyond just what the eye can see. We will attune to the eyes of the Magdalene Heart.  

Sensual Heart of Magdalene Ceremony



Our final session will be a powerful weaving of all the sensual expressions, into the core of our heart.  We will call in the rose frequency and rose lineage to soften, and open the most authentic expression of our feminine heart. 

This is for you if...

  • If you are tired of feeling unsupported and alone 

  • If you are tired of living in a way that exhausts and depletes you

  • If your heart has been through recent heartbreak or loss

  • If you are devoted to developing supportive female relationships

  • If you are sick of societal expectations and gender bias

  • If you are tired of doubting your intuition and inner wisdom


This is NOT for you if…

  • If you prefer to live in a more masculine way 

  • If you want to do it all on your own 

  • If you are not interested in building a trusting, loyal sisterhood

In this journey we will embark on: 

  • Living more in-flow life with our authentic feminine nature

  • Deep healing of the womb and heart connection 

  • Manifesting and magnetizing from our feminine flow

  • Living with more radiant energy flowing through our bodies

  • Connecting with and being supported by a strong sisterhood

  • Remaining soft, even in a world filled with challenges, heartbreak and trauma


This is a journey for you if you are ready to embody more of your femininity, to feel more deeply into your heart, to develop and nurture more heart-centered relationships.

It’s time for you to fully embody the radiance, connection and beauty of your feminine heart.

Join The Magdalene Heart! 

Here’s what you’ll get!

  • 6 Weeks, 6 Initiations

  • 6 Weeks Group Telegram/Whatsapp Support

  • Ceremonial Activation

  • Private FB Group 

  • Support from both Suzanne & Peyton

Energy Exchange




$188 X 5

*for further financial assistance please DM us on Instagram (Temple_of_Enchantment or suzannezephyr) or email contact

Mary Magdalene is a powerful archetype for the feminine mysteries and the wisdom teachings of the ancients and symbolizes the power of love, healing, grace and sacred sexuality. 


Additionally Mary Magdalene is symbolic of the rise of the feminine. Only recently, in 2016 the Vatican officially recognized this feast day in honor of Mary Magdalene. She was finally given her rightful place as Apostle of Apostles, which more reflected her dignity and devotion to Christ. 


Whether you are a Christian woman or not, the Mary Magdalene archetype of a devoted woman and the divine lover exists within each of our hearts.


The red rose has been one of the the sacred symbols of Mary Magdalene for centuries.  In the current times, the rose lineage connects  women seeking the Divine Feminine both within the traditional and the non-traditional frameworks.

Who is Mary Magdalene?

The Apostle of Apostles


Suzanne Zephyr is a Feminine Embodiment Coach, a Cacao & Flower Master Ceremonialist and Yoga/Dance Teacher. She is also certified in Thai Yoga Massage, Reiki and Chakradance.  

 Additionally, she holds an International MBA, is a business professor at TCU, and mentors women in creating wealth through a thriving soul business.

 Suzanne has lived over a decade in the Middle East and Asia, and draws wisdom from extensive world travels and studies.  She offers a Cacao & Flower Tea Facilitator Training, 1:1 mentorships and plant medicine ceremonies.  

She is a mamma, physically and spiritually, and enjoys nurturing and supporting women in stepping into leadership roles.

Peyton Quinn Baker is a visionary artist and transformational guide empowering the divine feminine through the expression of erotic innocence, authentic creativity and sacred embodiment. Her invitation into the temple of the body has assisted ever-widening circles of women to reclaim and restore their sexual sovereignty, safety, and power. 

As an interdimensional painter, photographic ceremonialist, and teacher of spirit-led creation, Peyton’s views the creative process as a conversation of the soul, a dance with the divine, and a remembrance of the bridge between heaven + earth that lives within the womb of all women. In her intuitive art courses and ritual-based events, she leads healing journeys of clearing the creative channel to birth freedom, ecstasy, truth, and beauty. 
