Rewild Your Feminine.

Join me in raising a middle finger will you?

Take that baby and raise it sky-high! Now, reach into the belly of the earth mother, feel her strength, and feel the throbbing yes of your pussy as you scream:”FUCK YOUUUUUUU!”

Loud and fucking clear — to all the mother fuckers who wish to suppress your beauty, your rage, your expression & for all the women out there that couldn’t even dare to dream this dream. Do it.

Feels good doesn’t it? Or maybe you’re low-key cringing. Either way.


YOU are the answered prayer.

Meet Your Feminine Embodiment Coach

Hi! My name is Peyton,

former people pleaser, ex-bible belt goodie two shoes who lived most of my life ashamed of my sexuality (well, really all things that didn’t fall under the “good girl” archetype), then later ended up living a double life as a high-end escort.

I just want you to know you’re talking to someone who had NO BOUNDARIES, no real direction, and no way to channel my anger, so instead, I buried it. UNTIL….

*cue intense spiritual awakening + over 7 years of self development later*

Here I am, with a voice that I will use to advocate for myself and others, a healthy relationship with my emotions, and a body that’s not suffering under the weight of my unprocessed emotions. And this (benevolent) bitch is on a mother fucking mission to help YOU be your FULLLLLL SPECTRUM SELF & HELP YOU STOP HIDING PARTS OF YOURSELF.

Cause gah damn, we really need more women on this planet who are in touch with the entirety of their expression. In fact, I think the HEALTH of our planet depends on this.

I want to take you into a space where we can explore ALL of you. Your sacred, your slutty, your fucking mess, I want it ALL! Because I’m telling you, THIS (becoming whole) is the key to your LIBERATION.

Are you with me? Do you FEEL me?

‘Cause it’s about to get WILD.

Like I said, this is a REVOLUTIONARY movement to tear down our internalized patriarchy, stop dulling the potency of our feminine rage & full spectrum of emotions, and start owning the shit out of who we are as the ULTIMATE act of REBELLION.

  • Loving yourself

  • Expressing yourself

  • Learning how to BE IN YOUR POWER.

  • Learning to TAKE BACK your power.

  • Making ART out of the MADNESS

    THIS is the kind of “fuck you” energy I’m about and want to be a part of.

When I look at all the injustices in the world, I want to be a part of the CHANGE!

Don’t you?

This embodiment course is for

the Sacred Rebels.

Womb-men, I propose to you that we come together in prayer, ritual, art, & embodiment & live out this prayer:

That we can come together not just as womb-men but as a human race and HEAL our lineages, our lives, & this planet, one tiny small step at a time. And may this compound in you so radically that we see the shifts not just in our lives and in our immediate communities, but on a GLOBAL scale.

I know. That’s a big prayer.

And I am WILD enough to believe in this holy rebellion. I believe in us WHOLEHEARTEDLY.

I dare to dream this dream.

I dare to believe in our REDEMPTION & FREEDOM.

Okay.. so how is this sacred femininity course gonna help change the planet?

HAH! Man I am dreaming BIG for us all, but I know this is such a teeny tiny (fucking potent) part of it. What I do know is that this will help YOUR life and the ripples of that are beyond what we could ever measure. This is the road map I wish I could hand my younger self. Cause damn, she NEEDED these “codes” (the blueprint and permission slip I’m going to share).

This embodiment program will support you in:

  • breaking the cycles of FREEZE/FAWN response.

  • Reframing and getting to know your Benevolent Bitch, aka your protector, a very necessary part of your personality

  • Opening up the channels of EXPRESSION & CREATIVITY

  • Creating art from your shit…aka BECOME AN ALCHEMIST, and make that shit pretty..and ugly. Fuck it.

  • Claim what you want in life without apologizing all the damn time.

  • Healing from sexual trauma & reclaiming your body

  • Being in your body - stopping disassociation

  • Having a healthy relationship with anger- learn to channel that shit powerfully.

  • Activating your dark feminine- she’s low-key fun as hell.

  • Womb & Pussy connection - Praise goddess!

  • Using ritual theatre and archetypal embodiment to understand yourself better (my personal favorite)

Alright, Here is the


WE BEGIN 3/18/23

This sacred circle’s offerings:

>> 8 week guided journey

>>Weekly Embodiment Practice(s)/ playful challenges

>>Access to telegram support chat

>>Live activation’s & rituals

>>Guided audios

>>Permission slip to be your full ass sexy messy self!

>>GLOBAL community

>>Life time access to material


>>Special Guest expertise TBA (trust me- they JUICY)

The Break Down

Week 1: Holy Desires

Sacred Dreaming as a way to connect to the Divine. Sexy Submission to your soul’s desires.

Exploration>>Where are we holding back and playing small? What does it mean to be unapologetic?

Week 2:The Benevolent Bitch


Exploration>> Rewriting what it means to be a bitch. Getting acquainted with the Dark Feminine and embracing her medicine as a protector and nurturer.

Week 3: Redefining Beauty

How we express ourselves in the world.

Exploration>> Challenging and questioning what IS beauty? How do we embody it?

Week 4: Erotic Innocence

Exploration>> Reclaiming our Sacred Slut. Throat and Pussy connection. Sensuality in our everyday life as a form of prayer & connection to nature.

Week 5: Emotional Alchemy

Turning shit into flowers.

Exploration>> How to transform emotions powerfully and artistically.




Dark night of the Soul-> Dharma

Week 6: Archetypal Embodiment

Exploration>> Unveiling the unexplored parts of us and embracing the magic they offer. (Priestess, Sacred Slut, Wild Woman, Clown, etc)

Week 7: Ritual Theater

Exploration>> Bringing it ALL together RITUAL THEATER style! Taking all the work we did and turning it into embodied ART & sacred prayer-foramance.

Week 8: Integration

Exploration>> Shared reflection and integration<3


Teddi shows free spirited women struggling with self doubt, fears of what others think, constant comparison, that are caught up in their head & missing out on opportunities and fun experiences in their lives, how to feel beautiful in bodies NOW, shine bright from the inside out and confidently express themselves in the world. Teddi uses powerful techniques such as emotional freedom techniques (tapping) to create fast and lasting results for all her clients. Teddi has lead confidence workshops around the world, countless self love retreats and is currently running online womens empowerment courses. Creatress of : Body Bang Bang - Body Confidence Program Confidence of a Queen - Womens Empowerment Program The T-Pod - Consciousness and Healing Podcast

Caitlin Erica is a teacher of erotic dance and feminine embodiment. After training as a birth doula an inner voice told her to become a stripper. Apparently strippers had 'access to something' she didn't. Trembling but curious, she heeded the call and was initiated into the magic and mayhem that lives in the dimly lit corners of strip clubs around the world. It was through this assignment that Caitlin came to see a link between sexual and feminine shame, disembodiment and the dire state of childbirth. Today, Caitlin helps women strip away shame and reclaim their sensual expression. She's healing the sisterhood one striptease at a time.

Kolbi Kolibri is a multidimensional artist, temple keeper, medicine musician, and devotee of the divine. She creates sacred spaces for exploration and expression, blending movement medicine, breathwork, somatic embodiment, Earth medicine, and ritual craft. Kolbi's passion lies in helping others connect with their true nature and live in alignment with their deepest expression. Through workshops, retreats, and private sessions, she facilitates journeys into inner depths to cultivate joy, abundance, purpose, and connection. A staunch advocate for Earth and its inhabitants, Kolbi believes in the transformative power of nature to create a more harmonious world. Her mission is to awaken the freedom and radiance within us all, fostering a collective remembrance and sharing of that luminous spirit.

Zía Ring is a multifaceted artist in north Texas known for their transformative artistry both on and off stage. Embracing the archetype of the sacred clown, they challenge societal norms of gender, parenthood, performance and prayer through giving life to their most raw expressions.  Grief, rage, ravenous eroticism. The sacred and the playful, the holy and the irreverent. Zía embraces the full spiral of existence through giving voice and breath to ALL of the human experience. Each day they grow a little weirder, a little sluttier, and a little more alive. A blooming burlesque artist, clown, and kinky little kitten, Zía is eager to share with you their most precious gems of self discovery. 

“I am the whore and the holy woman. I am she, the Lord.” -The Thunder, Perfect Mind

Energetic Exchange:

$397 pay in full

$111/ 4 months

*This will be the BETA round with a lower price point for the first live iteration of this program

Frequently Asked Questions:

>>What is Resurrect the Wild Womb-man?

  • This program is a transformative journey designed to help you RESURRECT your WILD, unapologetic feminine essence, heal past traumas, & unleash your creative power through sacred practices, and embodied art rituals.

>>Who is Resurrect the Wild Womb-man for?

  • This is for the good girls (people pleasers) out there that are afraid of their power, to rock the boat, or embrace their sensuality. If you have lacked boundaries, are a professional at disassociation, dulled your expression, been slut shamed, craved to be more creative and told yourself you can’t, or have desired to be more connected to your body, nature, and God/dess…this is for you!

  • This program is for women who are ready to reclaim their sensuality, heal from past wounds, and cultivate a deeper connection with their bodies and creative expression. It's for those seeking empowerment, transformation, and a renewed sense of vitality.

>> Will this only be offered online?

  • For the moment yes, but I am hoping to host some in person circles for my community in the very near future<3

>>What can I expect in Resurrect the Wild Womb-man?

  • Though we will be doing some DEEP work, you can honestly expect a whole lot of PLAY! My approach to shadow work, and resurrecting these repressed parts of ourselves is through art and embodiment. I expect there to be “shadow” that comes up but remember…shadow doesn’t equal bad. Just means it’s in the dark. My FAVORITE parts of myself have come to life through this work & of course as an artist I carry these teachings through that lens. With that said, I won’t sugar coat things. This space is meant to be unfiltered, RAW, and imperfect.

  • Weekly prompts and embodiment practices will be delivered on Telegram & we will also host online ZOOM meetings where we will play with embodiment and explore the weekly theme together.

  • Modalities will include: EFT tapping, Shamanic Breathwork, Art Ceremonies, Embodiment Practice, Holographic Sound Healing, Journal Prompts, Ritual Theater, etc.

>>Do I need any prior experience to join?

  • No prior experience is necessary. Resurrect the Wild Womb-man welcomes women of all backgrounds and levels of experience. Whether you're new to this journey or have been exploring your feminine energy for years, you'll find valuable insights and practices to support your growth.

>> What if I’m not artist?

  • We are ALL artists. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. US. No experience is necessary and the art may not be in the form you are expecting:] Give space for your artist to come alive. This is what is calling to be resurrected if you are reading this.

>> Will you run this program again?

  • *insert shrug emoji* I’m honestly not sure. My intention is YES… but I tend to follow what’s ALIVE and relevant to myself and the collective. It will be available as a self paced journey after the first LIVE round is complete.

>>Is this program suitable for individuals with trauma or sensitive backgrounds?

  • While Resurrect the Wild Womb-man offers a supportive, playful, & nurturing environment, it's important to recognize that it may trigger strong emotions or memories, particularly for those with trauma histories. Participants are encouraged to prioritize self-care and seek additional support if needed throughout the program.

>> What are your qualifications?

I am incredibly passionate about guiding individuals on their journey towards unlocking their creative potential and tapping into their inner artist. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of leading hundreds of people through this transformative process. One of my proudest achievements is the creation of The Pussy Portal, a signature program that has profoundly impacted the lives of dozens of women, helping them restore their relationship with their femininity, empowerment, and art.

My experience extends beyond traditional teaching methods; I have facilitated numerous retreat experiences designed to help women activate their inner medicine and archetypes. As an initiated priestess of The Rose Lineage, I underwent extensive training in Venusian Body Temple Arts. Through this training, I've honed my skills in somatic and energetic work, aiding women in restoring wholeness and releasing trauma from their bodies.

In addition to my spiritual and artistic pursuits, I am also a certified Holographic Sound Healing practitioner, trained under the guidance of Dr. Paul Hubbert. This specialized form of sound healing combines sacred geometry with angelic frequency sounds, allowing me to access the angelic realm and channel their healing vibrations. Through this powerful modality, I facilitate profound energetic shifts and transformations, aiding individuals in their journey towards healing and wholeness. These sessions have not only impacted lives but have also been instrumental in bringing about profound and lasting changes.

For years, I have been leading sacred women's circles, delving deep into topics such as shadow work and sexual healing since 2019. However, my journey towards becoming a facilitator of healing and empowerment goes beyond professional endeavors. On a personal level, I've navigated through my own profound healing journey, particularly in the realm of sexual healing.

Facing challenges such as vaginismus and chronic pussy pain, I embarked on a deeply transformative path. I had the privilege of sitting with esteemed master plant teachers and shamans, drawing from their wisdom and guidance to restore my sexuality and heal my body. Through this process, I've intimately experienced the discomfort of confronting the darkest parts of myself.

My journey hasn't solely been focused on spiritual and emotional growth; I've also cultivated a DEEP connection with the arts. Art has ALWAYS been at the core of my healing journey, with creativity serving as my constant companion through life's challenges. With over 14 years of disciplined & scholarly study, I've immersed myself in various artistic disciplines, living a life devoted to creativity and expression.

Overall, my qualifications stem from a combination of formal training, personal healing experiences, and a lifelong dedication to the arts. I am deeply committed to guiding others on their paths towards empowerment, healing, and artistic expression.

>>How long is the program, and what is the time commitment?

  • Resurrect the Wild Womb-man is an immersive journey spanning 8 weeks (as a being with a womb- my bleed may require me to move some calls). The program requires a commitment to self-exploration and growth, with suggested weekly practices and engagements. While the exact time commitment may vary for each participant, dedicating 1-3 hours per week is recommended for optimal results.

>>What if I can't attend all the live sessions?

  • Life happens, and I understand that scheduling conflicts may arise. While I encourage full participation, all live sessions will be recorded and made available for viewing at your convenience. You'll still have access to valuable content and resources to support your journey, even if you can't attend every session.

>>What materials or resources will I need for the program?

  • Participants will receive a detailed list of recommended materials and resources upon enrollment. These may include art supplies, journaling materials, access to a quiet space for practices, and an internet connection for virtual sessions (and I may ask you to run to the thrift store for the grand finale too…hehe).

>>Do you offer financial assistance?

  • I love to support my community<3 I offer 20% off to the BIPOC community as well as single mothers. Please reach out to me privately on Instagram @temple_of_enchantment.

>>Is there a refund policy?

  • Due to the nature of the program and the digital content provided, I (Peyton Quinn Baker) do not offer refunds. I believe in the transformative power of Resurrect the Wild Womb-man and am committed to supporting you on your journey every step of the way. I also encourage full body YES energy when entering into a program. I want you to come in excited as fuck!

>>How can I get started?

An important note from the Creator

Hey there, It’s your girl Pey.<3

Just want to make sure we’re on the same page & share a little about my work and expertise so you can discern if this is the right space for you.

All of my spaces carry the highest reverence for the Divine Feminine and her many faces. My spaces seek to empower my clients to remember their divine nature, reclaim their sovereignty, awaken their artist, and find a sense of wholeness and belonging within themselves.

This is BRAVE work to be doing. It can be hard work, it can be confronting, it can be SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL. With that said, I want to state that my work is NOT a substitute for therapy or other professional help you may require. My work is highly influenced by my journey of healing through complex PTSD, chronic pussy pain, vaginismus, and getting myself out of painful relational patterns. This was no cakewalk. BUT I’ve learned that it CAN be fun and it can be ARTFUL… THAT’S what this space is about…bringing artful play into the work that is necessary for so many of us right now.

This is the roadmap I wish I could hand my younger self.

With that said, I have had some incredible mentors along the way. I am an initiate priestess of The Rose Linage. I have gone through levels I & II training for Holographic Sound Healing (twice) with Dr. Paul Hubbert. I am constantly seeking to study with incredible mentors like Amy Rushworth, Ashae Sundara, Amber Renée, Teddi Emerald, to name a few that really influenced my work. For the next 2 years I am dedicating myself to getting more trauma-informed training as most of my clients do come to me for sexual healing spaces<3

I will always intend that my spaces are conducive to your highest & healthiest form of healing, however as per my current training I can not guarantee a “safe” space. That will be unique to each individual and I can not assume to know what a safe space is for you. Diving into pleasure, rewilding, and sensual practice is sacred & transformational work AND it can also be challenging, complex, and even traumatizing to certain individuals. Please consult with a mental health care professional if you are currently struggling with and healing through trauma (especially sexual).

What other’s have said….

“The healing work Peyton does comes from a place of grounded self healing that she herself has taken the time to do internally & it shows. She is a Shepard in sexual healing.”


“Intuitive, gentle yet firmly rooted in who she is and what she does. There are a lot of healers out there, and a lot of claims, but Peyton is the real deal.”


“ Finding Peyton has been such a blessing. To work with a soul who is so open and accepting is medicine in itself. Peyton approaches all things taboo with empathy, compassion and a great sense of humour. There's nobody more equipt to deal with topics around sexuality..”


“ Peyton carries strong and ancient codes within her and has the ability to channel messages speaking directly to your body and soul in order to help release and clear stuck energies.”


Not sure if this program is right for you?

No worries! You can hop on a no strings attached call HERE or just reach out on IG and I will voice-note with you!

My work is definitely NOT for everyone.

I am happy to answer any questions that may support you or help redirect you if necessary<3

A note about the patriarchy

This is not a man hating club. Just want to clarify, when referring to the patriarchy in this context. I am referring to TOXIC patriarchy, that ALL people suffer from. There is toxicity in both feminine and masculine energies, that’s human. There is also HEALTHY patriarchy. Think of a grandfather that plant’s fruit trees he will never eat, but the future generation’s WILL get to enjoy. That is a beautiful gift. The masculine is just as sacred as the feminine. We NEED healthy masculine energy! Right now, we are just coming into balance as a collective. The lineage I follow is about Divine Union. So when I say tear down the internalized patriarchy, this is to say “let’s stop running this UNHEALTHY patriarchal paradigm that our collective society is stuck in”. This means making room for the feminine and her cyclical nature and not bypassing that.
