Visionary Artist & Pleasure and Sensuality Coach

Awaken Your Divine Feminine

Peyton Quinn Baker is a visionary artist and transformational guide empowering the divine feminine through the expression of erotic innocence, authentic creativity and sacred embodiment. Her invitation into the temple of the body has assisted ever-widening circles of women to reclaim and restore their sexual sovereignty, safety, and power.  As an interdimensional painter, photographic ceremonialist, and teacher of spirit-led creation, Peyton’s views the creative process as a conversation of the soul, a dance with the divine, and a remembrance of the bridge between heaven + earth that lives within the womb of all women. In her intuitive art courses and ritual-based events, she leads healing journeys of clearing the creative channel to birth freedom, ecstasy, truth, and beauty

Join Peyton on this transformative journey into the realms of pleasure, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening by looking through her offerings. Explore the unique path she offers as a visionary artist, photographer and guide, designed to awaken your inner divine feminine.


A Mystic's Transformation

Through Peyton's personal journey of transmuting pain into art, she has emerged as a mystical guide in the alchemical process of turning suffering into potent, prayerful creations. Her cosmic tool belt is a carefully assembled collection of wisdom acquired through extensive training and channeled insights, cultivated during her work as a Sexual Priestess and Erotic Visionary. Her unwavering dedication is to share these transformative skills with fellow travelers on the evolutionary path.

Visionary Creator and Healer

As the visionary behind The Pussy Portal, Shamanic Studios, and The Art of Sexual Healing, Peyton has dedicated years to empowering women in their journey of awakening artistic talents, unlocking oracular and channeling abilities, and embarking on deep personal healing. Through the mediums of paint, embodiment practices, and ceremonial rituals, she guides individuals on a profound exploration of their inner worlds and the manifestation of divine creativity.

Follow the journey.